Eric Acosta
Eric was born and raised in Longmont and has worked in the landscape industry in Boulder County for 25 years. He is known for being extremely detailed, personable, proactive in communicating with clients, as well as having a broad knowledge of irrigation systems, chemical applications, landscape maintenance and snow removal. Prior to starting his own company, Eric worked as an Account Manager for two local landscape companies, managing both residential and commercial properties. Eric oversees all on-site operations and customer engagements.
CLT (Colorado Landscape Technician) license
QS (Qualified Supervisor) License in Commercial Applications through the Department of Agriculture
McKenzie Hede
McKenzie was born and raised in Wyoming and has lived in Colorado since 2009, now happily calling Longmont home. She manages the E.A. ProScapes office and is a licensed Realtor. She also has seven years of experience in the HOA Management industry. During her tenure McKenzie has managed large scale budgets for her HOA clients, including contracts with landscape maintenance and snow removal companies. Her experience with HOA’s has given McKenzie the knowledge to understand the maintenance and budget needs of homeowner associations and commercial clients.